Confused about when to kiss or shake hands? In this video, Virginia explains an important aspect of Spanish culture.


Virginia helps you with an important aspect of Spanish culture (transcription below).

Hi, great to see you! Today I’ll explain the cultural norms in Spain regarding kissing or shaking hands.

In an informal situation, when a friend introduces you to someone else, it’s normal for women to kiss each other on both cheeks, beginning with the right.   Men usually shake hands, although when friends meet, it’s normal to hug or to pat each other on the back. In a formal setting, such as in a job interview, it’s normal to shake hands. However, don’t be surprised if, when you meet someone in a meeting or a conference, they kiss you on the cheek… as long as one of you is a woman.

When you greet your colleagues whom you see every day, a greeting such as ¿qué tal? or ¿cómo va todo?, etc., is fine.

So, some advice: wait until the other person makes the first move, leaning towards you or offering their hand.

OK, those are the norms in Spain. If they are different in Latin America, tell us about it below! See you soon!


Have you ever experiencced that embarrassing moment when you offer a handshake and the other person  kisses you on the cheek?  Or vice versa? Awkward, right? Tell us about it below!

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