Éxito con Real Spanish

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¡Observa cómo dos personas mejoraron su español con Real Spanish!

Transcripción :

Having lunch with clients

Meet Jim, having lunch with clients who flew in from Spain.

The boss knows Jim has been taking Spanish classes so she asked him to host them for lunch.

Well, it’s the big day, there’s Jim, but he’s having a tough time!

And here’s Sophie, on a blind date with this charming Colombian man.

But, uh-oh, she’s stuck, even though she’s also spent a lot of time, money, and effort learning Spanish.

Jim and Sophie need help… they need REAL SPANISH!

REAL SPANISH is an online learning platform that helps you learn Spanish through engaging clips from popular Spanish TV shows and movies.

Real Spanish will help you take your Spanish to higher level. With Real Spanish you can:

  • Improve your comprehension
  • Increase your vocabulary
  • Use the colloquial expressions that native speakers use
  • Enhance your grammar
  • Appreciate the culture and history of the Hispanic world

Take your Spanish to the next level!

Real Spanish:

Cursos de español online para quienes se toman en serio mejorar su español.

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